
Use dynamic, global color schemes for design.
Color Palette

Use CSS variables for colors that change with user system settings for light/dark themes.

<div style="color: var(--ts-gray-300)">Apply CSS variables like this</div>

Colors that stay the same in both light/dark themes.

Utility Classes

Classes with has- prefix can be applied to any element. See Utilities for more info.

Inverts element color with current scheme: light becomes dark, and vice versa.

This element is black in light themes; and white in dark themes.
<div class="ts-box has-inverted" style="color: var(--ts-gray-800)">
    <div class="ts-content">
        This element is black in light themes; and white in dark themes.

Override element color scheme to ignore user system settings.

This element is always dark, regardless of system settings.
This element is always light, regardless of system settings.
<div class="ts-box has-dark" style="color: var(--ts-gray-800)">
    <div class="ts-content">
        This element is always dark, regardless of system settings.
<div class="ts-box has-light" style="color: var(--ts-gray-800)">
    <div class="ts-content">
        This element is always light, regardless of system settings.
Designed by Yami Odymel from Taiwan, along with the ❤️ from contributors. The source code is licensed under MIT, and the documentation is under CC 0 public domain. Feel free to use, share, or contribute. Tocas UI is a design system for Caris Events, part of Sorae & Co., Ltd.
Translators: Yami Odymel
Trademark of the owner of Tocas UI